Meet Lucas

graceswimming lucas

Meet Lucas, 11, who is a keen swimmer here at Grace Swimming. Lucas has been swimming since he was a baby, where he and his Mum, Nilvone, used to do Infant classes together. Nilvone recalls Lucas always loving the water from a young age.

Nilvone recollects a family holiday to Cairns when Lucas was four, where she was nervous for him to go snorkelling but he shocked her and took off confidently and independently in the water. She has now been able to see him blossom in to a talented, determined swimmer. “It’s been amazing seeing how they pick up the strokes so quickly”, she says. “Swimming is a life skill you have to learn, especially in Queensland when everyone has pools and there are so many beaches”.

Lucas has been swimming here at Grace Swimming since he was 6, where he first started in our Learn to Swim Program. He is now transitioning from our Bronze Squad in to our Silver (State) Squad. Lucas says this transition has been fantastic so far and is very challenging. “The sessions are longer and a lot harder”, he says. He is currently training 5 times a week and will continue to increase his sessions in order to make a full move in to the State Squad.

Lucas says his favourite thing about swimming at Grace are the coaches, and his coaches speak as highly of him, too. “He is very hard working,” says Josh. “Lucas is dedicated and committed to his swimming.”

Lucas also enjoys training because he is able to socialize with friends and like-minded people, and because swimming has the ability to take your mind off everything. He enjoys the morning training sessions, as he has always been an early bird anyway. What a great way to start the day! Next year when he goes to High School, he is looking forward to going to school with some of his training buddies.

For the last few years, Lucas has been attending Club Nights, and enjoys that is it a social, friendly atmosphere where you can practice racing without the pressure of a meet. He also enjoys that he has the opportunity to compete in events and strokes that he wouldn’t usually get to at meets.

Lucas has a fantastic attitude – he enjoys his training and his goals are to get as many PBs as possible. We wish him all the best in his swimming journey and look forward to seeing him achieve more and more!

Jaime Tulau